At PioneerRx, we understand that your pharmacy staff encompasses a diverse range of roles and responsibilities, each requiring access to different parts of your pharmacy software.

With a wealth of information stored within the software, it is crucial to have a system in place that allows for efficient organization and compartmentalization of employee clearances.

That's why we have developed Custom Employee Role Permissions, a feature that simplifies the process of assigning specific access rights to employees based on their needs.

About Custom Employee Role Permissions

By utilizing Custom Employee Role Permissions, you can easily assign certain employees or groups of employees to the areas of the software that they require access to.

This ensures that each staff member has access only to the relevant parts of the system, minimizing the potential for mistakes and inaccuracies. By confining access to specific individuals or teams, you can enhance security and maintain data integrity within your pharmacy software.

Bruno Tching, the pharmacist-in-charge at Inland Pharmacy in Hemet, CA, attests to the versatility of this feature, highlighting its usefulness in managing sensitive or restricted information.

Tching emphasizes the importance of Custom Employee Role Permissions, stating, "There's a ton of different things that you can use the permission rules for."

The tool is especially helpful to Inland Pharmacy when dealing with sensitive or restricted information.

“In California we have to do quarterly, manual narcotic inventory counts. . .So you can have permissions in there for who’s allowed to adjust on your quantities, [that way] those quantities can’t be adjusted by just anybody,” Tching says.

How to Make the Most Out of Custom Employee Role Permissions

By utilizing Custom Employee Role Permissions, you not only enhance the security of your pharmacy software but also maintain a streamlined workflow by granting access only to those who directly work with specific areas or functionalities.

This feature plays a vital role in maintaining compliance, protecting sensitive information, and ensuring accountability within your pharmacy.

At PioneerRx, we prioritize the security and efficiency of your pharmacy operations.

Our Custom Employee Role Permissions feature exemplifies our commitment to providing robust and adaptable solutions that cater to the unique needs of your pharmacy.

By offering granular control over access rights, we empower you to tailor employee clearances to match their specific roles and responsibilities, thereby optimizing productivity and minimizing the potential for errors.


PioneerRx's Custom Employee Role Permissions feature simplifies the process of assigning specific access rights to employees based on their roles and responsibilities.

By confining access to relevant areas of the pharmacy software, you can minimize errors and inaccuracies while maintaining data integrity and security. Testimonials from pharmacists like Bruno Tching underscore the versatility and benefits of this feature, particularly in managing sensitive information and complying with regulations.

PioneerRx remains committed to providing innovative solutions that empower pharmacies to secure their software, streamline workflows, and optimize efficiency.

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