Let PioneerRx’s pharmacy software system save you time with its Sig Code functionality.

Rather than manually typing out directions each time you fill a prescription, PioneerRx can automatically translate sig codes from the list already provided within the software or customized codes familiar to your staff.

Users can even create default shortened codes for directions that are always the same for certain drugs, such as Z-packs, so the system will auto-populate the Directions field.

Based on the sig code and quantity of the drug dispensed, the software can instantly calculate the Days Supply field to expedite the fill process. These abbreviated directions may also be translated into Spanish or any language that is convenient for your patients.

Adam Beam, part-owner and pharmacist at Family Pharmacy in Vernon, TX, finds sig codes to be one of the many intuitive PioneerRx pharmacy software tools that helps streamline his workflow.

Family Pharmacy handles a lot of home infusion drugs that tend to have very long instructions, which is where custom short codes play an important role.

“It adds time to our day by shortening the time needed to process prescriptions,” says Adam. “We’ve also added custom sigs for DispillⓇ packaging so it can interface correctly with the software and place the pills in the right slots.”

These shortened codes may seem like a simple feature, but through PioneerRx, they deliver convenience and accuracy necessary for day-to-day operations.  

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