It’s a catch 22 – you can’t run your pharmacy without properly managing inventory, but you also can’t run your pharmacy if all your time goes towards inventory.

So, let PioneerRx’s pharmacy software handle inventory management for you with Recommended Ordering.

Users have the option of setting their own minimum/maximum quantities, or allowing the system to calculate minimum/maximum quantities based on previous history.

This enables the system to create a recommended order when an item’s BOH is at or below the desired quantity. You can spend your time with patients knowing that your software is keeping your pharmacy  stocked and ready at all times.

Color-coded notifications will easily let you see the reorder status of an item within our workflow. Navigate to the “Help File” within PioneerRx to see the color legend as well as step-by-step instructions on how to set up your preferred recommended orders.

Mary Tentoni, a pharmacy technician at Robert’s Apothecary in Columbus, MS, values the time she saves with PioneerRx’s pharmacy software features, including Recommended Ordering.

“When we print out the report at the end of the day, it’s nice to see we don’t have to check each individual product; we can just skim through it for the low-inventory items,” says Mary. “I also like the option of deleting an item permanently, or just the next time there is a recommended order.”

Independent pharmacies like Robert’s Apothecary stay on top of their time and inventory management with PioneerRx’s intuitive capabilities.

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